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Pastures, Pastoralism and Rangeland Governance

Pastures, Pastoralism and Rangeland Governance

in Pastoralism
180:00 Hours Total | Click and Register
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Water Science, Management and Governance

Water Science, Management and Governance

in Water
60:00 Hours Total | Click and Register
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Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management

Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management

in Mountains
60:00 Hours Total | Click and Register
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Mountain Environment and Sustainable Development

Mountain Environment and Sustainable Development

in Mountains
60:00 Hours Total | Click and Register

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Dr. Alla Pecheniuk

Dr. Alla Pecheniuk


"This is an excellent educational platform that allows you to form the professional competencies of future specialists and, through practical cases from around the world, to expand the horizons of participants"

Paola Emma Botta

Paola Emma Botta

Applied Ecologist

"The courses offered are innovative and treat many aspects in an integrated way. They are very applicative. I am interested in this type of training"

Rameez Khan

Rameez Khan

Marketing Manager

"The multidisciplinarity of the subjects discussed makes it possible to surround problems from all sides, so to come out with more effective actions."




"TGI's educational and training is a great opportunity for researchers on mountains to discuss the past, the present and the future of these very primordial areas for humanity. It is also an occasion to share experiences between researchers from all the world to be able to find solutions and recommendations for sustainable development of mountain areas and thus of the globe."

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Why are green spaces important? 13 Jul 2024

Why are green spaces important?

By 2050, 68% of the global population will live in cities. That's 2.5 billion more people than today. In Europe, three out of four of us already live in urban ...
Consider a career in natural resources 12 Jul 2024

Consider a career in natural resources

If you're considering a career in natural resources, there are many career options to choose from. Many individuals pursue natural resource positions to support ...
10 Benefits of Online Education 12 Jul 2024

10 Benefits of Online Education

Online Education is the new age change that students are adapting to gracefully and the benefits of online education in today's world are endless.